Lesson Material

Most of this material originated with a grassroots group at the University of Wisconsin - Madison called The Hacker Within and has been modified by Software Carpentry instructors over multiple bootcamps.

Day 1

Software Carpentry -- Welcome and overview
Overview slides
Installation check
You need a working copy of bash (gitbash on windows), git, and python to participate, and enough connectivity to syncrhonize the instrucitonal materials on github. If you can run
git clone https://github.com/wltrimbl/2014-05-12-cshl, your git is working. If you can launch
ipython notebook from the command line your python is probably working, too.
The Unix Shell
Please open a terminal and follow along on the Intro shell tutorial .
Python variables
To open ipython notebooks, create a new Terminal (gitbash for windows) tab and invoke (for instance) ipython notebook This command should open the first lesson in a browser: ipython notebook 2014-05-12-cshl/materials/03-python-variables/variables.ipynb
Python data structures

Day 2

Version Control Local
Please open a terminal and follow along on the tutorial page tutorial page.
Version Control Remote
Please open a terminal, sign into GitHub, and follow along on the tutorial page tutorial page.
Shell part two: automation. Please open a terminal and follow along on the Shell automation tutorial.
Python flow control
Python funcitons and modules
Intro R
To open this lesson, first start Rstudio, then open 2014-05-12-cshl/materials/11-introR/short/cummerBund_demo.Rmd

The rest

Index to other lessons on your hard drive
Index to SWC lessons (in 8-minute video format)
Index to SWC lessons (in html format)